What does your dog do when you say, “Let’s go for a walk?”. My dog Buffy gets so excited that she almost knocks me over — she runs in circles and she grabs her leash. Sometimes she gets so excited that she forgets to give me her leash.
This compilation of YouTube videos made by dog owners shows the different reactions of dogs when they hear the word, “walk”. Some of the dogs sit quietly and just nod yes when asked if they want to go for a walk. Several of the dogs talk back to their owners when their owners ask if they want to go for a walk, as if to say, “Come on, let’s go”. My favorite reactions are the dogs that dance and bounce when offered a walk. I’m also charmed by the many different ways that dogs fetch their leashes and bring them to their humans so that walk can get underway.
Walking with my Buffy is such an important part of our bonding. It is during our walk that she gets to do all the wonderful fun things she loves, like checking out the smells left by other furry creatures that walked the path before her. I love watching her enjoy her world as we explore the incredibly interesting world outside of our house.