A Dog’s Bedtime Prayer

This could not be anymore fitting should your dog have a bedtime prayer (and he/she probably does)! If this made you smile, don’t forget to share!

dog's bedtime prayer

A Dog’s Bedtime Prayer

Now I lay me down to sleep,

The king-sized bed is soft and deep.

I sleep right in the center groove,

My human beings can hardly move.

I’ve trapped their legs, they’re tucked in tight,

And here is where I pass the night.

No one disturbs me or dares intrude,

Til morning comes and “I want food!”

I sneak up slowly to begin,

And nibble on my human’s chin.

For morning’s here, it’s time to play,

I always seem to get my way.

So thank you Universe, for giving me,

This human person that I see.

The one who hugs me and holds me tight,

And shares their bed with me at night.
