Move over Disney, there’s a real life fox and the hound story that’s taking the Internet by storm! Meet Juniper, a one year-old domesticated fox with an Instagram page that will make your entire day. Not only is Juniper the cutest, fluffiest thing you’ll ever see, but her relationship with her best friend, an Australian Shepherd mix named Moose, will melt your heart!

Photo credit: juniperfoxx
Owned by a kind-hearted animal lover named Jessika, Juniper and Moose love frolicking together during walks, endless play sessions and, of course, cheesing it up for the Gram! Jessika has owned Juniper since she was a mere 5 weeks-old and shares a ton of information about owning a pet fox on her wittle love bug’s Instagram account. She also graces us with photos of this precious little fox and the hound who desperately loves her pretty regularly. Rescued from a shelter, Moose appears to be as smitten with Juniper as all of us are, which may come as a surprise to many since dogs and foxes aren’t always fast friends.
In fact, Jessika warns anyone thinking of getting a pet fox that aggression between foxes and dogs is a pretty common occurrence. We’re glad to see that these two seemed to have missed that memo and have chosen a lifetime of loving each other, instead!
Fetch! Pet Care and Exotic Pets
Thinking about owning a pet fox? Well, we’re all for it as long as you do your research first. As Jessika states in one of her Instagram posts, owning a pet fox is illegal in some areas and they cannot be sent to a boarding facility or a doggy daycare whenever you’d like to go on vacation. We’re happy to lend a hand in that area, though, as one of our professional pet sitters may be available to come to your home should you ever need a sitter for your fox (or any other exotic pets).
Your Thoughts on This Fox and the Hound?
What do you make of this modern day fox and the hound love story? Do you own a pet fox? Would you like to? Leave us your thoughts in the comment section below and be sure to share this adorable story with all of your social media pals using the tag #fetchpetcare so that we can follow along!