
7 Ways to Make Thanksgiving Safe for Your Pet

By Fetch! Marketing / 2:04 pm

As you gather with friends and family for Thanksgiving, keep these tips in mind to keep your pet safe. Take a few minutes to ensure your home is ready for guests and your pets.  Knowing you’ve taken a few steps to make Thanksgiving safe will put your mind at ease so you can fully enjoy…

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CAN DOGS EAT TURKEY?: Enjoying Thanksgiving With Pets

By Fetch! Marketing / 7:36 pm

This Thanksgiving, scores of people will Google questions like: Can dogs eat turkey? Can cats eat pumpkin? And similar holiday-themed pet questions. Fetch! Pet Care wants to be sure you get the right answers so that you and your fur babies can enjoy a healthy and stress-free Thanksgiving. So, Can Dogs Eat Turkey Or Not?…

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