Tips for Having a Safe & Fun Easter with Your Pets

With Easter just around the corner, we start planning holiday meals, baking and looking forward to celebrating the holidays with family and friends. Now it’s the perfect time to make sure that we take our pets and their safety into consideration. A little planning ensures everyone in your family can be safe and enjoy the holidays.

Easter Bunny Dog With Eggs Selfie

Safety tips to make sure your pets can be safe and have fun during Easter

  1. Stay away from the plastic grass for Easter baskets. Plastic Easter grass can become caught up at the back of the tongue or in the stomach making it impossible to pass through their digestive system. It can ultimately cause severe damage to the intestinal tract and require surgery. If you using the grass, make sure Easter baskets are put away out of reach of your pets.
  2. Easter chocolate is dangerous for your dog. Dark chocolate is more toxic than milk chocolate. Make sure that all chocolate eggs and bunnies are kept away from your dog.
  3. It is a great idea to include your dog in an Easter egg hunt. Put dog treats in eggs that are different colors from those filled for your kids. Fill the plastic eggs with treats that have a strong smell, like freeze-dried liver, so your dog can follow his nose and find his treasures.
  4. If you are planning on having your family and friends over for Easter it is a good idea to feed your dog prior to everyone arriving. Having a full belly should reduce his desire to beg for food from your guests. You should avoid having guests feed him food that will make him sick.
  5. Some spring plants like lilies are highly toxic to cats. If you see your cat licking the flowers, seek medical attention immediately. The vet can induce vomiting and give activated charcoal to bind poisons in the gut. Kitty will most likely need IV fluids to flush the kidneys.
  6. If you have children visiting, watch they don’t leave their drinks around the house. Caffeinated drinks and alcohol are toxic to animals. Medical attention would be needed if your pet has diarrhea, decreased coordination, difficulty breathing or is vomiting.

easter pet safety

Easter Treats for Your Pet

Bake your pet some special treats, like liver or peanut butter cookies or carrot cake, so they can enjoy the Easter celebration too. You can use Easter cookie cutters to make their treats even more special and festive looking.

Now that you, your family and animals are properly prepared for Easter visitors, have a great celebration, enjoy your family and friends, human as well as feline and canine.

Mira Alicki is a jewelry designer and goldsmith for the past 22 years. Her passion for animals led her to create her own line of jewelry and online store to benefit charities. 40% of each purchase is donated back to the animal community. You can find Mira on Twitter (@FIMHjewelry) or at