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Dog vs. Cat: Who Makes a Better Pet?

The dog vs. cat debate is an age-old conversation. Some people are self-proclaimed “dog people” while others are self-proclaimed “cat people”. But why must we feel the need to make it clear which et is our preference? Is there a superior pet? Let’s find out. According to, cats have better vision than dogs. “Neither…


Dog Secret Menus

Some of America’s most well-known dining establishments share their love for Fido in a fun way: by offering off-menu treats that are for dogs only. Sound appetizing? We’ve got the scoop on where to find these dog-friendly secret snacks. Starbucks Visit your local Starbucks and order a “Puppuccino”. That’s right, not Cappucino but Puppuccino. Free…


10 Interesting Facts About Chameleons

1. The biggest mistake people make about chameleons A lot of people think chameleons change their color based on their surroundings – sort of like camouflage. However, this isn’t true. Chameleons actually change their color due to a number of different factors, including their mood, changes in light or temperature, or the humidity of their…


What if your dog had an Instagram account?

Instagram was made for dogs. Yeah, you’ll find lots of cats on there, but there’s always a feeling that those cat pictures are mostly posted to gratify the owners. A good dog pic is a thing of pleasure for the poster, the beholder, and – you can’t help but think – the dog itself. The…


Tips For Getting A Service Dog

There’s a reason why dogs are often referred to as man’s best friend. The interconnectedness of people and dogs extends to hunter-gatherer days. The bond between dogs and us has only become stronger with each and every subsequent generation. Dogs make the perfect companions in a lot of ways. They’re loyal, attentive and genuinely want…


5 Supplements Your Pet May Be Needing

We feed our cats and dogs the very best pet foods on the market, yet many pets still suffer from common, recurring health ailments such as constipation, diarrhea and other digestive disorders, urinary tract issues, lackluster coats and dandruff in addition to less-than-stellar overall health. Why? Even healthy pet foods don’t include many of the…


Meet Robyn Greene: Owner of Fetch! Pet Care of Marin and Sonoma County

Fetch! is more than just your go-to neighborhood dog walking & pet sitting service. We are a community of genuine, compassionate and kind-hearted folk who downright love our pets. In a new series here on the blog at Fetch! Pet Care, we interview the franchise owners who make fetch happen each and every day. In this…


3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Your Cat’s Dental Health

Dental diseases are not just something humans have to deal with. Cats can suffer from tartar buildup, gingivitis, cavities, bad breath, and a host of other dental and oral problems. What’s worse is that a dental infection can usher in other potentially life-threatening diseases. Some cat parents spend a lot of time and effort tending…


This Superhero will vanquish the Coldest of Hearts

It is no secret that children have a higher amount of compassion to offer the world than most adults. They haven’t been touched by life’s tragedies or scorned by those around them. Children believe everyone and everything to be inherently good and there is one little boy in particular that exhibits such a level of…


Old dog, new tricks: How to know if your dog needs obedience training

Dealing with a disobedient dog is always difficult, especially one you’ve spent time and effort raising. There’s always this dilemma between the bond we form with the animal and the prospect of possibly having to let them go. But is there another option? Fortunately, yes. There’s always a chance that their behavior can be corrected…


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